Virginia Telehealth Network

Laying the Groundwork for Virtual Substance Use Disorder Treatment Models in Correctional Facilities

Across the country, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) continues to be one of the most prevalent challenges faced by many: in 2023, 15.35% of Americans were reported to be battling substance use disorder according to data from Mental Health America. Of those, 93.5% did not receive any form of treatment. Stigma, cost, and geographical barriers have […]

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Considerations for Patient Safety in Telehealth Delivery

The swift growth of telehealth rapidly transformed health care delivery. Flexibilities during the Public Health Emergency enabled providers to adopt new ways in how telehealth technologies can be used, ranging from text messaging portals and eConsultations to video sessions with patients or other providers.  As providers and patients alike quickly adjusted to new models of […]

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Cultivating Inclusive Telehealth Experiences for Patients with Different Backgrounds

As telehealth has revolutionized the way health care services are delivered, providing convenient and accessible options for patients, the importance of considering cultural nuance in care delivery is just as important in virtual care as it is in-person. According to national survey trends in telehealth from the HHS’ Office of Health Policy, telehealth utilization was […]

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EMS and Telehealth: UVA Health Enhances Workforce Development, Immediate Care for Stroke Patients

According to the Virginia Department of Health, stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in Virginia. Most stroke patients do not arrive to the hospital in time, leading to increased death and permanent disability. UVA Health’s SCOPES (Strengthening Community Paramedicine and Emergency Services) program aims to bridge the gap by enhancing telehealth capabilities of […]

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Strengthening Virginia’s Mental Health Workforce with Telehealth

The breadth and depth of Virginia’s mental health crisis is harrowing. According to Mental Health America, Virginia is in the bottom-third of states when it comes to access to mental health services. Additionally, the latest data from the Health Resources & Services Administration states that every locality throughout the state is experiencing a shortage of […]

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Telehealth Triumphs: A Recap of Wins in 2023

The year 2023 has proven to be pivotal for telehealth, as legislators in Virginia and across the country took significant steps to ensure continued flexibility and encourage the use of telehealth services. We’re grateful to work alongside many leaders at the forefront of this movement towards a shared goal of enhancing innovative health care solutions. […]

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Optimizing Care for Patients with Limited English Proficiency

Telehealth can help in connecting patients of all different backgrounds to essential services, but one critical barrier that exists is accessing care for patients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Identifying solutions can be challenging but two free and charitable clinics in Richmond have identified ways to get care to these individuals. At CrossOver Healthcare Ministry […]

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DEA Grants Second Temporary Extension of Telemedicine Flexibilities for Prescribing Controlled Substances

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently announced another extension of the temporary telehealth rules for prescribing controlled substances. The first extension was announced earlier this year, just ahead of the end of the Public Health Emergency. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key points of this extension and the implications for health care providers […]

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Benefits of Telehealth and Needed Areas of Improvement, According to Virginia’s Licensed Providers

Each year, the Virginia Telehealth Network (VTN) conducts an annual survey to better understand how Virginia’s licensed providers are using telehealth and identify areas they feel can improve. More than 10,000 health care professionals took part in both the inaugural survey in 2021 and the latest survey, which was released in 2023. This year, we found […]

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