Virginia Telehealth Network

Early Telemedicine Champion Now Seeing Remote Services Taking Hold

image of patient communicating with a doctor via facetime

The pace of what’s referred to as “digital adoption” – the embrace of online tools – has accelerated dramatically during the pandemic. According to research by McKinsey, consumers are driving digital adoption across their daily lives, from the way we shop and order food to how we communicate with one another. (Zoom, anyone?) One digital […]

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Virginia Board and NP-led clinic provides free clinical services to local, underserved community

When the Rockingham Free Clinic in Harrisonburg ceased operation at the end of 2020, and during a pandemic, local health care professionals stepped up to ensure those without access to healthcare would have their needs met. In April 2020, the Blue Ridge Free Clinic was established. Overall, the clinic is led by a very engaged […]

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Telehealth Sustains Momentum Toward Improving Health Equity

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VCU’s Richmond Health and Wellness Program works to create equitable solutions for older adults. The topic of equity in healthcare – an evening-out of the playing field when it comes to access to care among all populations – has been a gathering concern over the past several years. While the Affordable Care Act has been […]

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Virginia policies catching up to momentum behind telemedicine

Image of male patient on conference video call with female online doctor

The public health emergency of the past year has impacted the delivery of healthcare services in profound ways, and perhaps none more so than how it has accelerated the adoption of virtual care – by both patient and provider. From diagnostic tools to preventive care, from mental health services to treatment, telemedicine has proven to be a safe, convenient and effective tool across virtually every practice area. […]

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Are Digital Health Transformation and Remote Patient Monitoring the healthcare of the future?

We have seen a glimpse of the future of health care during the pandemic this past year. Tools such as telemedicine and video platforms were quickly deployed to provide care to patients with chronic disease at their own homes in order to keep them from overwhelming hospital systems that have channeled all their resources to take care of the critically ill COVID-19 patients. […]

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General Assembly easing path to independent practice for nurse practitioners

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Those of you following the recently completed session of the Virginia General Assembly may have taken special notice of a bill having to do with nurse practitioners. Proposed by Del. Dawn M. Adams, herself a practicing nurse practitioner, H.B. 1737 – which passed by more than a three-to-one margin in the House – enables nurse […]

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Too soon to be planning for post-pandemic?  Likely not.

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The pandemic has engendered changes within healthcare at every level – from a relaxation of regulations by policymakers to the adoption of new protocols among healthcare providers to changes in behavior among patients. The question now – how much of this new normal will last once we are on the other side of the coronavirus? […]

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Building connections through telehealth

image of a doctor communicating with a patient via facetime

While telehealth has been around for years, it was something new for many healthcare professionals across the commonwealth, quickly obliged to adopt it when the pandemic and social distancing protocols began. A year later, the volume of telehealth claims in the southern region of the nation is up more than 1,000% from Dec. 2019 to […]

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