School-Based Telehealth Clinics Launch in Hampton and Harrisonburg
For many families, accessing timely health care isn’t as simple as making an appointment. Working parents may struggle to take time off, transportation challenges can make doctor visits difficult and long wait times for appointments can mean kids may go without the care they need. These barriers are especially tough …Read More »
Benchmarking EMS Engagement in Telehealth
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are critical in providing timely and life-saving care to patients in emergency situations. As the health care landscape evolves, telehealth can play a vital role in expediting patient care during emergency situations. For instance, UVA Health utilizes a telestroke program that allows for real-time stroke evaluation, …Read More »
Bay Rivers Telehealth Alliance Receives Inaugural VTN Innovator Award
During the 2024 Virginia Telehealth Network Summit, Bay Rivers Telehealth Alliance (BRTA) received the inaugural VTN Innovator Award for its work to expand access to behavioral health care in the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck regions of rural Virginia. The VTN Innovator Award celebrates the unique and groundbreaking ways health …Read More »