Registration is Now open for the 2021 VTN Virtual Summit!

Please join us from 9am – 11am on April 9, 16, 23, & 30 for the 2021 VTN Virtual Summit, Making the Temporary Permanent.

Governor Ralph Northam will be speaking, as well as Virginia Legislators Senator George Barker, Delegate Dawn Adams, and Senator Bill Stanley on the legislation they have been working on over the past year.

We will also hear from National Telehealth experts on a variety of topics, ranging from the future of telehealth post-Covid to maximizing telehealth reimbursements. Topics will include:

  • Making the Changes Permanent – How the Evidence for Telehealth will Drive Policy Decisions
  • Telehealth Medicaid Reimbursement
  • Overview of State Telehealth Plan
  • The Future of Telehealth Post-Covid
  • Telehealth Services Evolving Through the Pandemic
  • State HRSA Rural Network Grantees
  • For our VTN members, we will have additional members-only Q&As with our speakers and panelists at the end of each morning

Our Speakers:

  • Ateev Mehrotra, Associate Professor of Health Care Policy and Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a Hospitalist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Robin Gelburd, President of FAIRHealth
  • Jessica Rosenworcel, Acting Chairwoman, Federal Communications Commission
  • Chethan Bachireddy, Chief Medical Officer for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (Medicaid)
  • Tim Perkins, Virginia Department of Health, Division of Community Health and Technical Resources

VTN Member Registration – ONLY $50

Nonmember Registration – $95 (Includes 6 months free VTN membership)

Nonmembers can add on a full year VTN membership for an additional $75

(with this add-on, you can join the members-only Q&As with our speakers and panelists at the end of each morning)