Virginia Telehealth Network

In the News: How will the end of the PHE impact telehealth policies?

Telehealth continues to modify and adapt with changes at the state and federal level. This news roundup highlights Virginia legislators’ push to extend telehealth services, what’s next for telehealth at the federal level when the public health emergency ends, and various telehealth initiatives sprouting throughout Virginia to address gaps in health care. Senator Warner and […]

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The forgotten crisis? How one organization is deploying telehealth to address opioid treatment

image of african american man in red shirt pouring pills from prescription pill bottle

The lingering pandemic has for two years been the country’s most-pressing public health priority. But while COVID-19 has been the understandable focus during that time, the health issue that the virus eclipsed in attention has not gone away. Hospitalizations and deaths as the result of opioid overdoses continue at alarming rates. Since 2013, the leading […]

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Too soon to be planning for post-pandemic?  Likely not.

image of doctor using cell phone and laptop

The pandemic has engendered changes within healthcare at every level – from a relaxation of regulations by policymakers to the adoption of new protocols among healthcare providers to changes in behavior among patients. The question now – how much of this new normal will last once we are on the other side of the coronavirus? […]

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